воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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So yesterday i spent the day hanging out with rachel luis and rocky and armand. Which was fun.� i proved that i suck at guitar hero.� by the end of the time we spent playing i was ok at like five songs on easy, including stricken by disturbed, number of the beast by iron maiden, and schoolapos;s out by alice cooper.� luis and rachel were ok at some songs on medium and armand didnapos;t play. Rocky however is hella good getting 85 of the notes and above on abunch of songs in expert mode including the gameapos;s song by dragonforce, which is rather impressive to any one who has heard dragonforce. Then we all went and saw the movie max paine which rocky and i liked and everyone else hated.� today i read about 300 pages of brisinger... So far.� and there are only five days left on this friday i fly home� :) yayayayayayayayayayayayay� so ya. Thats it for now :)

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Friend A needed to sell an unwanted gift. Friend B happened to want such an item. Itapos;s nice when such things hook up.

So this afternoon we were invited by Chaundra (some of you know her as Foxie) and Stephen (alias Raayat) to their flat for raclette.

Very nice it was too with three different cheeses (yes, one of them was Raclette), potatoes, raw vegetables, onions and garlic, cold meat cuts and so on.

After stuffing ourselves silly we enjoyed a game of Carcassone before tucking into some rather nice apple and blackberry crumble (thanks, Pete) with posh Waitrose custard.

Stuffed indeed

Lovely flat, lovely meal and, most important of all, great company

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After my little vent entry, I have to write something happier. Because I have many things to be happy for

You would not recognize my herd of horses now if you saw pictures. You would recognize Goldie, but she is my only "oldie" I still have. I wrote about my new mare Serenity shortly after I got her in the spring. Then she had a gorgeous FILLY on May 30th. My pride and joy, you could say I love my baby girl. And we currently have four rescue foals we got from a feedlot. Two of them were supposed to go to their new home early this month, but I havenapos;t heard anything on that. So.. Might have to offer them for sale again. I canapos;t have 7 horses at my house Seriously.. A little overwhelming. Anyway.. Here is a little profile thing on each horse for you:

Goldie - my 10 year old sorrel/roan AQHA mare. Star, strip, snip, and 2 hind stockings. I ride her western on trails, gymkhana, and just for pleasure. She is my #1. No horse could ever take her place in my heart, and she will NEVER be sold. I have owned her for 7 years (since she was a 3 y/o untrained filly). She was my first horse.

Serenity - my 12 year old sorrel AQHA mare. Star, strip, snip, and two tiny socks. She is very well-trained for western riding (trails, team sorting, gymkhana, etc.). Granddaughter of Blondyapos;s Dude, which I think is awesome :) She looks a lot like him. She is quite bossy, but I love her anyway. She is a proud mom of her filly Remedy and has had two other foals besides her. I will most likely breed her one more time in a couple years or more. Not anytime soon, though. She has proven to be a great mom in so many ways Letapos;s just say I am thrilled with the filly she gave me <3

Remedy - my 4 1/2 month old solid liver chestnut APHA filly. Blaze and three stockings. Remedy is Serenityapos;s May 30th filly. I caught the end of her birth and imprinted on her. She never fails to make me smile She is very healthy and has a great personality, plus she is very classy and well-built. She moves beautifully and really shows potential for western events like cutting and reining. I plan to have her professionally trained when she is about 3 years old with a cutting/reining trainer. I could never sell Remi either. She is far too special to me.. I think she is more special to me than Calliope and Twist were and THAT says something. I loved my boys so much

Firefly - 6 month old chestnut HaflingerX filly. Blaze and no socks. Pat and I rescued her with one other filly (Romy) in early July. She was an orphan and had upper respiratory virus from being around all those horses at the feedlot. She came down with strangles or something similar in early August (just when we thought she was safe to turn out with the healthy horses), but it went away pretty quick. When we got her, she was scared of humans and it took her a week or so to come over to us, but longer to trust us to mess with her. She now is very easy to handle and quite silly I have grown very fond of her and will miss her when she goes to her new home.

Andromeda - 5 month old bay grade Quarter Horse filly. Star and three socks. Romy is the other filly we rescued in July. She had a bad injury on her hindquarters when we got her and also had some upper respiratory problems. Never got strangles, though. However, she was very accident prone and suffered a huge leg injury from hitting her leg on a round pen panel of all things. We had to clean and re-bandage her leg daily for a long time, and the vet saw her a couple times. Her leg healed miraculously, though, and you cannot see any signs of the injury now. Romy was much more terrified of people than Firefly was, and now she comes over for attention and lets you pet her all over. Such a change She is going to the same new home as Firefly very soon.

River - 6+ month old sorrel grade Quarter Horse filly. Blaze and no socks. Pat and I rescued her with a stud colt about a week ago. Same feedlot as Romy and Firefly. She shows signs of upper respiratory and is leery of people right now, but I am working with her on it. She is really a pretty girl and I canapos;t wait to break through her barrier and become trusting partners.

Ruger - 6+ month old chestnut grade Quarter Horse colt. Star and no socks. Got him with River in October. He also shows the respiratory signs, but he is making much faster progress in his human socializing. He will eat out of a grain bucket when I am holding it and he comes over to sniff me. He just is scared when I touch him. He is really a handsome thing I am hoping to keep him if all goes well.. Remedy needs another baby to grow up with.

I need to come on here more often.. I miss you guys. :(

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Place is cleaned, puppy has gone for morning wee and had her breakfast, tray is laid out with the nice cups and saucers, coffee is brewing on the machine, C and M are all dressed up. Weapos;re off to a good start *insert music of DOOM"

Business man arrives.
Lia: I LOVE�you stranger. Let me kiss you
Business man is luckily a dog lover and showers Lia with cuddles.
Lia: *puppy submission pees on the floor out of sheer eagerness to please*
Murp peeks down from top of stairs.
M wipes up mess, while C seats business man in living room.
Felix is sleeping on one of the dining room chairs.
Business man: Oh another cat.
C: Yes, we have a lot of pets.
Business man: But they are lovely. So nice and quiet.
Felix: Urgh.
Business man: ??
Felix: Urgh urgh urgh. *vomits all over chair*
Lia: Forget the cat. Would you like to hold my marrow bone while I chew on it? Itapos;s only a little bit soggy.

Yup, very professional and business like we are.
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Our cigarettes dip and sway like fireflies in front of us. While we are talking i point at myself with free hands. On friday collin and peter and i find exactly where we want to hold meetings of the midnight society. Right now there are ghosts hung in the trees. We tore up a white handtowel and tied strips of it around branches on the path so we could find our way back. What do you think about huber park? what i think is couldnapos;t we find a park without rangers? i take their hands and lay them flat, draw "away" arrows on their palms like they are blind
but everyone else is excited, pluming their cigarette smoke like ostrich tails, i donapos;t actually say anything. I wring my wrists and try to think about something else, anything other than the ways to want to kiss someone in the deep woods.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.


the buys iapos;ve had this week - jayapos;s new album, ZA dark circles mask, hair serum body shop - led to a penniless debbie. I know better not to whine about financial woes cause many are worse than me. But sheesh, my appetiteapos;s like a hippo these days. I literally get hungry every 2hrs, no joke. Maybe thatapos;s where all my money has been going to, damnnn

today was supper with zhong jieying eddie at holland v. It was back to the usual talks, which honestly, i havent been hearing almost ever since the start of this sem. Before that was Nights in Rodanthe and i promise you i heard more sniffings and crinkled-tissue-paper-packet-opening sounds than i even started crying but itapos;s tear-evoking. So if you wanna cry, go ahead oh, and itapos;s another novel-turned movie by Nicholas Sparks.

i came back home early this week and the type of response i got from each family member was pretty amusing.
mom: wah why you come back so early?
dad: aiya then today mummy so sad cannot sleep your bed anymore, she has to sleep with me. (i was�-_-ing �at that and saying shouldnapos;t that be the case?)
bro: eh thatapos;s early. So you didnt buy food back?
younger bro: wah jiejie why you come back so early this week
youngest bro; [couldnt really be bothered with me]

okie shit. Sleeptime plus 201/213 research tmr. And genapos;s DS lite is freakingaddictive

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